resocialization, correction, principles, international standards, criminal law enforcement system, criminal executive legislation, legality, democracy, humanism, equality.Abstract
Abstract. Each person is an integral part of society and therefore throughout his life he feels a significant influence of the surrounding social environment. When a person’s behavior becomes illegal and violates the rights, freedoms, or interests of a person, a group of persons, or the state as a whole, it is imperative to apply such coercive measures that are commensurate with the inevitable limitations and the generally accepted understanding of the concept of «equity». Often such measures are associated with the application of criminal penalties, in particular, deprivation of liberty in institutions with different levels of security. This scientific article is devoted to the topical issues of the importance of the principles of criminal law for the correction and resocialization of convicts serving their sentences in minimum security penal colonies, since the reform of the national criminal law system and the introduction of numerous international standards for the treatment of convicts into criminal law the task of our state is to create such a system of execution and serving of criminal punishments by those sentenced to imprisonment, which could provide effective means for their correction and resocialization, prevent the commission of new crimes by both convicts and other persons. The principles of criminal enforcement legislation not only form and generalize the idea of the essence of the process of execution – the serving of punishment but also without a doubt, are a certain reference point, a direction for the participants of these relations and contain ideal ideas about the real purpose of punishment and the result of its application. They are based on the experience and achievements of the science of criminal law. In turn, the state’s criminal enforcement policy and measures to ensure it must be carried out in strict accordance with the principles defined in Art. 5 of the Criminal Executive Code of Ukraine. In Ukraine the principles of criminal law for the correction and resocialization of convicts who are serving their sentences in minimum security correctional colonies have acquired special importance, taking into account all the challenges faced by our state in the course of reforms in many spheres of social life, in particular the system of execution of criminal punishments and found their embodiment in the criminal executive legislation.
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