local self-government, cohesion policy, region, regional policy, regional development, regional development strategy.Abstract
Abstract. The article explores the current state of legal regulation of regional development in Ukraine and the European Union. The system of regulatory legal acts regulating regional development, scientific articles, which examine definition of regions, as well as a complex of measures aimed at reforming and improving regional policy, have been analyzed. The relevance of this study is determined by a series of challenges faced by Ukraine due to the armed aggression of Russia, the integration of Ukraine into the single market of the European Union and its subsequent entry into it. Specifically, it includes the intensification of regional disparities, inconsistency and inadequacy of regional legislation to contemporary challenges, and the absence of systematic planning for post-war reconstruction and development of Ukrainian regions. These issues require careful analysis and effective solutions to ensure sustainable and balanced regional development. The author also examines the changes in the EU cohesion policy introduced as part of the 2021 reform, which contributed to the openness and flexibility of regional policy. The author highlights the effectiveness of the EU’s response to crises, including the pandemic and Russian aggression against Ukraine. The author concludes that there is a need for systematic improvement of the state regional policy in Ukraine, which should be based on European experience. In particular, the author emphasizes the importance of introducing open and adaptive EU legal mechanisms, which should become the basis for further improvement of the regional policy and legal framework in Ukraine. This article justifies the necessity and ways to achieve this goal through the study and comparison of relevant regulatory requirements and practices in Ukraine and the European Union.
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