
  • A. V. Zamryha
  • M. A. Padalka



international responsibility, breach of obligations, successor state, predecessor state, international crimes.


Abstract. The article considers the concept of international responsibility of the state in international law and its key aspects. The article emphasizes that international responsibility may arise in case of violation of international treaties, customs of international law, human rights, international humanitarian law and rules of international environmental law. The work notes the importance of understanding this concept to ensure law and order and stability in international relations. The article also draws attention to the relationship between the international responsibility of states and the concept of legal succession, which arises when a government or regime changes in a state that is responsible for violations of international law and requires the continuation of the obligations imposed on the previous government or regime. In addition, the article considers the historical context of the development of international legal responsibility of states, including the process of codification of norms related to the responsibility of states. This article examines the issue of legal succession of states in international law, paying attention to their history and development. The work also highlights certain aspects of the activities of the successor state in international law, including acceptance of rights and obligations, responsibility for past actions, and fulfillment of international obligations. It is noted that these aspects are important to ensure the stability and continuity of international relations after changes in the domestic policy or government of the predecessor state. It is determined that in case of violation of international obligations by the predecessor state, the successor state may bear responsibility and is obliged to fulfill all obligations stipulated in international treaties and agreements. The article examines the issue of international responsibility of successor states in the context of the Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Illegal Actions. It is determined that the Project does not contain direct norms that regulate the international responsibility of successor states. At the same time, the work draws attention to Art. 10 and 11 of the Project and the relationship with international responsibility in the case of legal succession is monitored. In general, the article focuses on the importance of legal succession in ensuring the continuity of international obligations and responsibilities of states regardless of changes in governments or regimes, and discusses key aspects of this issue in international law.


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How to Cite

Замрига, А. В., & Падалка, М. А. (2023). INTERNATIONAL LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY DURING THE LEGAL SUCCESSION OF STATES. Kyiv Law Journal, (3), 187-191.

