
  • О. М. Bryskovska
  • М. О. Helemei



swindler, Internet resources, online fraud, manipulation, criminal schemes, wartime conditions.


Abstract. The article is devoted to an important and relevant topic today – the peculiarities of committing fraud on the Internet in the conditions of martial law. The importance and significance of consideration of this topic, which has exceptional features because fraudulent actions are committed online during hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, is revealed. The features of fraud on the Internet in the conditions of martial law have been established. The typification of the main indicators of fraudulent messages was identified and proposed. The most common fraudulent schemes during the war to date have been singled out, including fraud regarding the collection of money for the Armed Forces or cars for the Armed Forces, fake collection of funds for the treatment of children who suffered from the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, fake receipt of international aid, fake transportation of refugees and assistance with housing, fraud regarding the provision of information about the whereabouts of missing relatives, fake messages such as “your son was captured”, sale of non-existent goods and services in online stores, fraud, etc. The main indicators of fraudulent messages via the Internet have been established and disclosed, and they have been classified into types, and the characteristics of each of them have been given. The characteristics of the behavior of persons who have become victims of Internet fraud and their vulnerability to such crimes are considered. It was concluded that the provision of continuous educational work, including through the mass media, social networks, among all segments of the population in order to timely inform about new types of fraud, modified and improved ways of committing them, characteristic features of fraudsters and criminogenic situations-traps, can significantly affect the reduction of such criminal offenses.


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How to Cite

Брисковська, О. М., & Гелемей, М. О. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF COMMITTING FRAUD ON THE INTERNET IN THE CONDITIONS OF MARTIAL LAW. Kyiv Law Journal, (3), 174-180.

