public administration, public management, combating organised crime, concepts, administrative and legal measures.Abstract
Abstract. The article is devoted to defining the concept and essence of public administration of combating organised crime based on concept study of understanding such legal terms as “public administration” and “public management” which are considered by scholars in the plane of administrative and legal activities of law enforcement agencies. The danger of organised crime for Ukrainian statehood and society, especially in modern conditions, is indicated. It is determined that modern trends in public administration are closely related to the role of society. It is proposed to consider the public administration of combating organised crime as the activity of relevant entities regulated by laws and other legal acts, aimed at decision-making and its practical implementation in accordance with laws and other legal acts in order to facilitate control over organised crime, its prevention, as well as elimination of the causes and conditions of its existence. It is proved that the concept of “public administration of combating organised crime” should not be equated with “public management of combating organised crime”, since the former is an issuance of provisions, regulations and other normative acts for the implementation of laws, and the latter is a process of implementation of conceptual ideas and strategies by all key authority participants in the field of combating organised crime. The author points out the need to improve the legislative regulation of administrative and legal terminology in the field of combating organised crime.
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