human rights and freedoms, law and order, material and non-material good, philosophical and legal category, policeman, protection, relationship, rule of administrative law, serviceman.Abstract
Abstract. The article reveals the legal nature of the object of administrative and legal relations to ensure the organization and activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. It was found that the object of legal relations is a complex philosophical and legal category, which is described by the gestalt of form and configuration, as a holistic perception of philosophical and scientific concepts in space – a system of natural laws, connections, relations that exist ontologically. The object of the legal relationship, considering the substantive analysis proposed, is tangible or intangible goods, for the purpose of receiving, transferring, or using which police officers, military personnel of the National Guard, the State Border Guard Service, employees of the Civil Protection Service, and other officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine enter a legal relationship. The main types of objects of administrative and legal relations to support the organization and activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine include everything that serves the implementation of public interests in accordance with the legally defined competence, namely the protection of human rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the state, combating crime, maintaining public security and order, provision of police services, protection of the state border and protection of sovereign rights of Ukraine, civil protection of the population and territories, administrative and legal regulation of migration. In general, a conclusion is made. that the object of administrative-legal relations to ensure the organization and activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is a holistic system of naturallegal relations of police officers, military personnel National Guard, State border service, employees of the Civil Protection Service, other officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with private and public persons in accordance with the legally defined competence, in order to ensure the human rights protection and law enforcement internal executive function of the legal democratic state – Ukraine.
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