law, interpretation of law, judicial interpretation of legal norms, artificial intelligence, electronic court, digitization, digitalization, robot judge, electronic algorithm.Abstract
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the role of artificial intelligence in the judicial application of law. This topic is quite relevant in our time, since this issue is not sufficiently developed in the field of domestic science. There are works in which the interpretation of law itself is studied, artificial intelligence separately, but very little attention is paid to the study of the role of interpretation of law by artificial intelligence in the judicial system. The development of this topic will make it possible to study more deeply the phenomenon of the interpretation of law by artificial intelligence, which will allow more in-depth research into this issue, as well as enrich legal science with new ideas and theories. It has been established that today artificial intelligence is increasingly implemented in all spheres of human activity, and the legal system is no exception. Artificial intelligence is gaining especially high turnover in foreign countries, in court processes. The role of artificial intelligence in judicial interpretation of law is analyzed. And it is proposed to consider that the electronic algorithm can be used positively in the court process, but cannot exclude the interpretation of legal norms by the human judge. Both the domestic legislative framework and the legislation of the European Union regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the interpretation of legal norms as a whole are presented and analyzed. Based on the obtained data, the author identified and listed both positive and negative points in the process of judicial interpretation of law with the help of artificial intelligence. It is noted that today Ukraine actively and successfully applies electronic algorithms both in the legal sphere and in other spheres of human activity. They came to the conclusion that the interpretation of legal norms should primarily be carried out by a human judge, and artificial intelligence should be involved in easier processes.
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