information rights, digital rights, information and communication technologies, human rightssystem, right to information, freedom of expression, right to privacy.Abstract
The article describes the place of information rights in the human rights system.It points that information rights have been in the process of intensive development over the last decades inthe following three areas: legal doctrine, international legal treaties, national legislation, and case law (both nationaland international).The article emphasizes that in the area of the European Court of Human Rights case-law; most of the informationrights are covered and protected under Article 10 (freedom of expression) and Article 11 (right to privacy)of the European Convention on Human Rights.The author states the information rights are closely related to other human rights. Collisions between informationrights and other human rights let us set rights margins. In this way, we open up new facets and aspects of informationrights.The information rights are developing at the three levels. They are the level of legal doctrinal recognition,the level of international law recognition, and the level of national recognition.The article notes that the development of digital rights is most dynamic in the set of information rights. Thispoint results from the rapid growth of the role of digital gadgets and information (including personal data). The author forecasts the probability of information and digital rights violations. In this regard, it is worth payingattention to the collection of information, mainly through social networks and individual applications, developedneural networks (artificial intelligence), processing Big Data, and building personal profiles for marketing purposes.However, the greatest threat to democracy may attempt to use electronic access tools for elections. Becausethere is no means to protect the choice, and the available instruments of cybersecurity do not provide full guaranteesof the reliability of the results.The article emphasizes that the development of digital rights is the “growth point” of the system of informationrights and possible violations. In today’s world, the answer as to the limit of interference in “digital” life passes isbecoming real considerable for the modern understanding of human rights.
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