
  • M. M. Denisyuk




bullying, school violence, children, law, legislation.


This article is devoted to the legislation on bullying in different countries of the world. The authors examine how the countries recognizes and addresses the problem of bullying, and what legal measures are being taken to combat this problem. The historical development of the bullling phenomenon in the world and in Ukraine is considered. The concept of bullying in the legislation of different countries and in accordance with Ukrainian legislation is highlighted. A comparative analysis of the legislation of foreign countries regarding the fight against school violence is being carried out. Attention is drawn to the legislative regulation of the problem of bullying in Ukrainian schools. The article provides a list of countries that oppose bullying by law. An analysis of this legislation and anti-bullying campaigns that are in effect is carried out. Countries that have not criminalized or are seeking to criminalize bullying activities and that do not have a common definition of the school population are examined. Examples of laws and programs in various countries are given, such as Sweden, USA, Japan, Great Britain, Canada, Republic of the Philippines, Czech Republic, Republic of Moldova, Africa, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan. Legislation related to school violence in countries such as Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland, and Romania is considered separately. This article presents statistics and provides an overview of bullying litigation. special attention is paid to the anti-bullying policy and the protection of students, in particular those belonging to sexual minorities.minorities. In addition, the effectiveness of legislation on bullying is analyzed, as well as recommendations for their regarding their creation. Despite the large number of adopted legislative acts, anti-bullying programs that regulate the phenomenon of the population in the school environment, both in different countries and in Ukraine, the problem of bullying still remains relevant throughout the world. In general, the article gives readers a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with the state of legislation on bullying in different countries of the world and learn about legal measures that can be taken to combat this problem.


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How to Cite

Денисюк, М. М. (2023). BULLYING IN THE LEGISLATION OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. Kyiv Law Journal, (2), 199-207. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2023.2.28

