judicial control, judicial body, court decision, urban planning, administration.Abstract
The article analyzes and characterizes the concepts of “control”, “judicial control” and “urban planning (urban planning activity); the difference between judicial control of the European legal system and the Anglo-Saxon system is given. The importance of the existence of judicial control as a phenomenon in most social relations, including in relations of urban planning. In addition to judicial control, the article also indicates alternative means of control in the field of urban planning, which can complement judicial control and contribute to more effective implementation of urban planning decisions. Legislative acts that establish rules and procedures in the field of urban planning are analyzed. The work examines issues related to the competence of courts, procedures of judicial control and dispute resolution, as well as the role of the court in ensuring the fulfillment of the requirements of urban planning regulations. The study makes it possible to understand the specifics of judicial control in the field of urban planning and to influence its effectiveness in order to ensure the quality and rational development of cities. The issue of constitutional and procedural consolidation of the powers of courts to exercise judicial control over the execution of court decisions in the field of urban planning is highlighted. It is pointed out that there is no clear algorithm of actions of judicial bodies regarding control in the field of urban planning, fixed at the legislative level. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of judicial control in the field of urban planning and the need to legislate clear procedures and criteria for its implementation. Such measures will promote stability, transparency and equality in urban planning practice, which is important to ensure justice and law enforcement in this area.
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