administrative and legal status; corruption; theory; practice; improvements, National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption.Abstract
The article examines the experience of implementing the administrative and legal status of entities whose activities are aimed at implementing measures to combat corruption. World experience shows that high social standards of living, rapid rates of economic development of the country are directly related to the effective introduction and implementation of measures to prevent and combat corruption. The statistical indicators of the activity of public authorities in the field of anti-corruption are highlighted. The main trends and key features of the creation and functioning of anti-corruption entities in foreign countries are given. It has been established that currently in countries with a high level of anti-corruption (Canada, France, Denmark, Germany) different approaches (models) are used, but with a single goal – anti-corruption. The system of bodies of foreign countries, whose activities are aimed at the implementation of anti-corruption measures, has been revealed, and the main directions of their activities have been revealed. It was established that the modern system of anti-corruption bodies includes several levels of anti-corruption entities that ensure the implementation of anti-corruption measures, monitor corruption manifestations in the respective country and abroad. At the same time, it was established that the effectiveness of anti-corruption mechanisms primarily depends on the transparency of the basic provisions of the interaction between the state, society and business; the list of anti-corruption “toolkit”, which is primarily determined by social traditions and history (Denmark). The positive experience of anti-corruption entities in Canada, France, Denmark, Germany, and Romania was analyzed. It is theoretically substantiated that positive foreign experience in preventing and countering corruption with all the specifics of their public administration system is of certain interest to Ukraine and can be used in the practical activities of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption.
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