
  • O. O. Oskilko




civil law, civil legislation, civil legal relations, binding legal relations, obligations, contractual obligations, military personnel.


The article analyzes civil law provisions regarding the definition and types of subjects of civil legal relations. The key constructions of obligations are specified. It consists of three elements: subjects, objects, and content (subjective civil law and subjective civil obligation). The subject of legal relations is a participant in legal relations who has rights and is able to fulfill legal obligations, or the owner of a specific right who is legally bound with another participant (participants) in social relations. It is determined that the parties to the obligation are the debtor and the creditor. Under individual types of obligations, the parties are named specifically: seller and buyer, contractor and customer, custodian and consignor, etc. Both the creditor and the debtor in a civil legal obligation can be individuals and legal entities, the state, or other public entities. Military personnel have the same rights and obligations as other citizens when they enter into contractual relations. They have equal opportunities to conclude contracts and protect their rights. Legal protection of military personnel in contractual relations is guaranteed by the legislation of Ukraine. In case of violation of contract provisions or illegal actions by the other party, a service person has the right to protect their rights and interests through the court system. The article emphasizes that contractual relations involving military personnel shall arise following the laws of the country where they occur. They shall comply with rules and restrictions imposed by military law that may affect their ability to enter into contracts.


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How to Cite

Оскілко, О. О. (2023). TYPES OF OBLIGATIONS INVOLVING MILITARY PERSONNEL. Kyiv Law Journal, (2), 64-69. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2023.2.9

