everyone’s right to professional legal assistance, a lawyer in criminal proceedings, international legal bases of a lawyer’s activity, preparatory court proceedings, criminal procedural activity of a lawyerAbstract
The article analyzes the international legal basis of the activity of a lawyer in preparatory proceedings in a criminal trial through the prism of everyone’s right to professional legal assistance. This right is an integral element of the legal status of a person and a citizen, which is guaranteed not only by national, but also by international law. The state, guaranteeing at the highest level the right to professional legal assistance, in particular in criminal proceedings, thereby undertakes the constitutional obligation to provide everyone with a sufficiently high level of any type of legal assistance provided at all stages of the process. Attention is drawn to the fact that there is no general legislative definition of the concept of professional legal assistance in the legislation of Ukraine, and in science in general and the theory of the criminal process in particular, different definitions of this concept are proposed. At the same time, one of the most essential aspects of legal, in particular professional, assistance is its regulatory legal basis, that is, determined by the norms of international and domestic law. A complex of international legal acts regulating the right of everyone to professional legal assistance in criminal proceedings has been studied, among which those that contain norms regulating: the duty of state bodies to clarify and ensure the realization of the rights of suspects, accused persons and other interested parties are highlighted participants in the criminal process; the participation of professional legal aid subjects, their rights and obligations within the criminal process. It has been established that, starting with the most general basic provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the norms on the basics of a lawyer’s activity and the performance of professional functions by him in criminal proceedings gradually developed and became more detailed, reflecting the evolution of the system of guarantees for the realization of the right of the participants in the process to receive professional legal help. It is the international legal acts that should play a decisive role in formulating the concept of professional legal assistance and filling in the content of the corresponding legal standard, which will become the basis for the development of the regulatory framework and practice of lawyers in criminal proceedings in general and, in particular, at the stage of preparatory proceedings.
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