globalization, digitalization, public law sphere, public relations, digitalization.Abstract
The development of information technology, the global Internet, increasing the volume of tasks inthe digital environment, the introduction of electronic registers in the field of public administration, electroniccommunication between public authorities and local governments, etc. are effective factors in the digitalizationprocess.It is noted that an urgent problem in the development of the digitalization process in Ukraine is the formationof digitalization of the so-called digital (information) culture, which allows competent use of opportunitiesand organically integrated into the information society. In this case, literacy is not only about the skills and abilitiesof information processing, but also the observance of constitutional and sectoral principles of using the digitalenvironment and information processing as an object of the digitization process.It is noted that the features of digitalization in modern society are: 1) the availability of modern meansof information (gadgets, Internet connection); 2) growing demand for digital resources; 3) increasing the levelof competitiveness of a person who is fluent in the results of digitalization and is an active user; 4) changeof traditional approaches to processing, use, storage of information; 5) the withdrawal of established approachesto the labor process, the emergence of new professions that are modern and timely, and so on. Thus, digital cultureis the ability of subjects to freely own the objects of digitalization and freely use their results in their professionaland professional activities, which involves their active participation. It is noted that the positive achievements of digitalization in the fields of education and science are: 1) the ability
of students to combine the resources of international educational platforms with the content of their own developments,
which contributes to the development of their own IT potential; 2) the need to change the qualification requirements
for teaching staff (teachers are beginning to use digital technology; online courses); 3) rapid response to changes in
the labor market; 4) the creation of electronic library resources of all higher education institutions in the world, as
well as educational materials of the best teachers will be available to all students by posting them on cloud services;
5) introduction of innovative teaching methods.
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