law enforcement activities, law enforcement agencies, information-analytical support, effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement activitiesAbstract
Modern society is undergoing new stages of social, institutional, and constitutional changes that require a review of policies, improvement of public governance, and development of new approaches to management. This article discusses the issues of information and analytical support for evaluating the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies, which become increasingly apparent in the conditions of transformation and digitalization of the modern world, and proposes some ways to address them. The aim of the article is to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies’ activities using information and analytical support and to develop proposals for improving this process. The study applied general scientific and special methods of cognition (normative, comparative legal, theoretical analysis, and generalization), as well as systemic and functional approaches. The article indicates that improving the analytical support for evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies’ functioning involves the introduction of innovative technologies and analysis methods, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning for collecting and processing large volumes of data, as well as improving the reporting and control system for law enforcement agencies’ activities. To this end, the development of a single standard for evaluating the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies’ work is proposed, which will take into account not only quantitative indicators but also the quality of their work, their interaction with the community, and the level of trust in them. It has been concluded that the standard of analytical software for assessing and measuring the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies should be sufficiently detailed and specific to ensure a unified approach to data collection and analysis, as well as the evaluation and comparison of the performance of law enforcement agencies at different levels and in specific regions. It was summarized that the analytical component of assessing the effectiveness of law enforcement activities involves the objective analysis of a large amount of information in order to identify problems and trends in the work of law enforcement agencies, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and develop recommendations for improving their activities based on the results of the analysis. The analytical support for assessing the effectiveness of law enforcement activities can be used for both internal and external assessments of law enforcement agencies. Internal assessment allows law enforcement agencies to improve their work and enhance interaction between departments. External assessment helps to increase citizens’ trust in law enforcement agencies and enhance their authority in society.
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