administrative responsibility, administrative offence, prevention of corruption, conflict of interest, corruption, objective party, restrictions, gifts, subject of corruption, financial controlAbstract
The article provides a theoretical and legal characterization of responsibility for administrative offenses related to corruption in Ukraine. It was determined that one of the mechanisms for preventing and countering corruption is administrative responsibility. It is emphasized that there are various types of administrative responsibility in Ukraine, of which anti-corruption is one of the most common. The purpose of liability for an administrative offense related to corruption is to establish and ensure the obligation of the subject to be responsible for the corruption manifestation, thus preventing corrupt acts in the legal system. It has been established that the administrative norms defined by Section 13-A of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses have a repressive nature and a wide scope, which is related to labour norms (parttime work, receiving gifts, conflict of interests), environmental norms (environmental impact assessments), legislative anti-corruption restrictions (financial control requirements, placement of bets on sports, failure to take measures to combat corruption, illegal use of information). It is noted that administrative offenses related to corruption from the objective side are committed in the form of simple (one-time), complex and alternative illegal actions (actions), or illegal inaction (for example, failure to take measures to combat corruption). Subjects of administrative offenses related to corruption are all persons whose activities and legal status are covered by the specialized Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption". It was determined that in most cases the sanction for such administrative offenses related to corruption is a fine, which has financial and negative consequences for the subject of the offense.
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