social security, medical care, medical care of family members of police officersAbstract
The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the National Police of Ukraine is one of the key law enforcement agencies of our country, which performs a number of complex socially important tasks in the course of its activities. Police activity and the mechanisms of ensuring its representatives are today one of the most pressing issues of legal science. Scientists are constantly searching for ways to improve the legal basis of the functioning of the police and ensure greater efficiency of the National Police of Ukraine. One of the aspects that is in the field of view of scientists is the medical care of police officers. In the article, based on the analysis of the scientific views of scientists and the norms of the current legislation, the author's definition of the concept of medical care for family members of police officers is proposed. Peculiarities of medical care for family members of policemen in comparison with other categories of workers are highlighted and characterized. The key aspects that reveal the essence of medical care for family members of policemen, as an important guarantee of their social security, are highlighted and characterized. It was concluded that medical care for members of policemen's families is the activity of providing medical, rehabilitation, sanitary-spa and other types of medical services to members of policemen's families for the purpose of protecting and improving their health by specialized health care institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in order , determined by departmental legislation, the norms of which are aimed at regulating the work of the National Police of Ukraine in general, and its employees, in particular. As an important guarantee of social security, medical care for family members of police officers is characterized by the following features: it is provided by constitutional norms and mechanisms of state financing on a par with other sectors of the medical industry of Ukraine as a whole; regulated by the norms of the specialized legislative act of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police"; the procedure for the implementation of relevant services is not formed by the authorities in the field of medical management, but by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine; is carried out by special health care institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which have a special administrative and legal status.
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