heirs, universality of hereditary succession, adoption of inheritance, testament succession, intestate successionAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of types of inheritance, their correlation between themselves and practical aspects of law enforcement. The principle of universality of inheritance law has fundamental importance in inheritance law and legislation. On the other hand, the principle of universality is manifested in the fact that the adoption by the heir of the inheritance at least in part testifies to the fact that the heir accepted it as a whole, regardless of what is the part left and where it is. A certain legislative gap, which appears in the absence of a similar norm-principle in the Civil Code of Ukraine, is filled with paragraph 3.14 of chapter 10 of section II of the Procedure for the notary public’s actions of Ukraine, according to which acceptance and rejection of the inheritance may take place on all inheritance property; the heir is not able to accept one part of the inheritance, but from the other part to refuse; the heir, who accepted part of the inheritance, is considered to have accepted the whole inheritance. The uncertainty of the Civil Code Central Committee of Ukraine regarding the consequences of the adoption of the inheritance in cases where the heir, having the right to inheritance of a part of the inheritance by reason of his will, and the part – by law, accepts the inheritance only under one of these grounds, requires appropriate interpretation. The analysis of the legislation, conducted by the author, gives grounds for conclusion that adoption of the inheritance under one reason (type) of inheritance does not mean automatic adoption of the inheritance under another ground, which does not contradict the principle of universality of inheritance law. If the heir, in favor of which the inheritance was opened on both grounds, wants to accept the inheritance both according to the will and the law, he must indicate this in the statement. If the heir is granted the right to inheritance, both by reason and by law, he has the right to accept it under one of these grounds and is not deprived of the right to refuse its adoption on another ground.
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