shaken baby syndrome, violent head trauma, violenceAbstract
The article is devoted to one of the manifestations of child abuse – "Shaken baby syndrome". It was established that the high degree of latency of this violence causes difficulties in its study, since a significant part of it remains undetected, without proper criminal-legal assessment, which as a result has a negative effect on prevention and countermeasures. The consequences of SBS are described, which may not always manifest immediately and have a delayed nature, including: behavioral disorders; developmental delay; convulsions; infantile cerebral palsy; visual impairment or blindness; hearing impairment; death. The experience of some foreign countries in combating SBS, statistical data and measures taken by them to prevent SBS are analyzed. According to modern ideas, SBS is one of the main causes of infant death. According to official US data, every fourth child who becomes a victim of SBS dies from the injuries received. Only according to official data: 1 000-3 000 children are concussed in the USA every year; in France – from 180 to 200 children; in Germany – from 100 to 200 children. the above data on the number of victims of SBS in different countries are significantly lower and do not reflect the real scale of cases of this type of violence. In Ukraine, there are no statistical data on the number of children who have suffered from SBS, and accordingly, the specified diagnosis is not established for the victims. It has been established that many people are not informed about the dangers of shaking and the consequences it can lead to, so it is extremely important to systematically conduct educational activities for future parents or people who already have small children. In this regard, it is worth directing a lot of resources (material, intellectual) to social advertising, with the help of which as many people as possible can become familiar with the danger of concussion of babies and the serious consequences it can lead to. A proposal was made to issue informative materials about the dangers of SBS and its consequences at the time of discharge to parents of newborns together with a one-time natural aid "baby box". It is also proposed to take measures that can be implemented in Ukraine, taking into account the experience of working in some foreign countries of public, charitable, state organizations, volunteer groups, etc., which make a lot of efforts to prevent and counter SBS.
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