
  • M. S. Melnykovych



religious norms, legal norms, legal system, legal system, legal regulation


The relevance of the article lies in the fact that in domestic scientific, historical and legal literature, little attention is paid to the study of the mutual influence of religious norms and the legal system on the regulation of social relations. Under such conditions, there is a need for a scientific understanding of religious norms as a constituent element of the legal system, and therefore of the legal system. The article examines the peculiarities of the place and role of religious norms as structural elements of the legal system. The author determined that religious norms, on the one hand, act as factors that determine the content of the law, the legal system, on the other hand, as a form of external expression of certain rules of behavior that are the legacy of the legal system. Religious norms have a close connection with the system of sources of law: they act as the foundation of law, form its internal content or as a factor in the development of law. Through the system of sources of law, as a structural element of the legal system, it is possible to investigate and determine the place of religious norms in the composition of the legal system, because the legal system is a structural element of the legal system. The religious norm, as an important social regulator of social relations, should be a reference point for the norm creator. Religious and legal norms are equally orderly social phenomena, objective regulators of the behavior of individuals in social relations. Religious norms should determine in the normative sphere of positive law the main goals and normative and value orientations, which are determined by the moral tasks that the state should focus on in the present and the future. It was concluded that religious norms in the structure of the legal system can be considered in two aspects: religious norms as structural elements of the legal system in the material and formal sense. That is, religious norms, on the one hand, act as factors that determine the content of law, the legal system, on the other hand, as a form of external expression of certain rules of behavior that are the legacy of the legal system. Domestic history knows a lot of evidence about the influence of Christianity, and therefore religious norms, on the formation and development of law, as well as about the facts of the direct reflection of many religious instructions in legislation.


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How to Cite

Мельникович, М. С. (2023). RELIGIOUS NORMS IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM. Kyiv Law Journal, (1), 36-40.

