
  • D. O. Zakharchuk
  • T. V. Mikhailina




human and civil rights, patient rights, medical law, right to health protection, polypharmacy, medicines, business entities, healthcare institutions, economic activity, legal relations


The aim of the scientific article is to explore the balance between maximizing the profits of private medical institutions and respecting the patient's rights in the drug supply chain in the context of polypragmasia, as well as to make proposals for improving the legal aspects of the fight against polypragmasia in Ukraine. It is argued that polypragmasia is a significant problem, first of all, for the health and life (the greatest values) of each patient, the entire healthcare system. The results obtained indicate the ineffectiveness of legal means to counteract polypragmasia of medicines, in particular, the lack of specification of measures to counteract polypragmasia of medicines that have a long time implementation. It should be emphasized that safe and effective provision of medicines in Ukraine, through proper pharmacotherapy with a thorough study of each individual case of illness or patient's condition are key to the most important strategic goals of modern healthcare. Therefore, effective pharmaceutical supervision and control should be carried out by authorized bodies transparently and in a timely manner, as well as patients and doctors themselves should comply with medical legislation on the use of medicines, methodological recommendations and standards. It is proposed to: 1) legalize the concepts „polypharmacy” not only in the strategies of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and decisions of the National Security and Defense Council, but also at the level of the law to provide a definitive component in order to minimize the irrational use of medicines in Ukraine in the context of compliance with the right to healthcare; 2) adopt a separate law of Ukraine „on prevention of irrational use of medicines (polypragmasia) in Ukraine”, which regulates the procedure for providing medicines and types of legal liability for torts, the procedure for compensation for damage; 3) at the legislative level regulate the issue of advertising (information) about the risks of self-medication, adverse reactions from the use of medicines, in particular, about antibiotics, as well as strengthening pharmaceutical supervision on the prohibition of over-thecounter medicines and their practice of selling with advertising; 4) each healthcare institution should develop preventive measures (checklists) for the prevention of polypharmasia in Ukraine for doctors and patients in corporate human rights programs in the course of medical practice.


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How to Cite

Захарчук, Д. О., & Міхайліна, Т. В. (2023). POLYPRAGMASY IN THE ASPECT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF PRIVATE MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS: PROBLEMS OF OBSERVING THE PATIENT’S RIGHTS. Kyiv Law Journal, (1), 17-22. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2023.1.2

