criminal justice, international cooperation, competent authority of a foreign state, international agreement, legal aid, procedural actionsAbstract
The article is devoted to the essence and analysis of the content of the request for international legal assistance when conducting procedural actions in criminal proceedings at the stage of pre-trial investigation in accordance with the norms of national legislation, taking into account international agreements on legal assistance in criminal cases concluded by Ukraine with foreign countries and ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. which are also part of it. At the same time, international cooperation acts as an effective and legitimate legal way to achieve the task of criminal proceedings, comply with the principles of criminal proceedings and ensure law and order in the territory of the states that are parties to international treaties. It is emphasized that in order to achieve the main goals of the judicial process in the criminal process, the admissible collection of evidence of criminal activity, the authorized bodies of Ukraine have the right to apply for international legal assistance on the conduct of procedural actions at the stage of pre-trial investigation to the competent body of a foreign state. In addition, Ukraine is a party to many international treaties on legal assistance, in particular in criminal cases, in which the basic principles, scope, conditions and types of international cooperation in the criminal process are formed. The article researched and carried out a comparative analysis of the content of requests for legal assistance during the conduct of procedural actions in criminal proceedings at the stage of pre-trial investigation under international treaties of Ukraine, the consent of which was given to be binding by the Verkhovna Rada, and the conclusion was formed that most of them contain extended conditions , aimed at the full implementation of the requested procedural actions. At the same time, it was noted that the completeness, quality and reasonableness of its content is the guarantee of comprehensive fulfillment of the request for legal assistance, timely detection, recording and collection of the necessary evidence. It is noted that Ukraine’s declaration of independence laid the foundations for reforming all spheres of social life, eradicating established rules of conduct and creating new, effective perspectives in the development of, in particular, criminal procedural legal relations, taking into account integration processes, as well as improving existing cooperation.
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