organized crime, Security Service of Ukraine, national security, preventionAbstract
In the article, taking into account the fact that organized crime is caused by a complex causal complex, its prevention will be effective only when there are conditions for the formation of an appropriate system of complex measures (economic, social, legal, organizational, etc.) aimed at blocking and neutralizing these dangerous phenomena on principles of special law enforcement activities. The main center of such activity should be a law enforcement structure capable of promptly and effectively responding to challenges and threats from organized crime, including at the transnational level. The specified circumstances and realities of today require the transformation of the organizational model of existing law enforcement agencies, the development of new approaches in the work of law enforcement units, which, in accordance with national legislation, are empowered to fight organized crime on the basis of taking into account the best examples of such an organization that have already proven their effectiveness, as well as in the direction improving and increasing the professionalism and responsibility of practical employees involved in such activities. It has been established that the participation of the Security Service of Ukraine in the prevention of organized crime is a historically determined and natural process caused by the extreme danger of such crime for the national, in particular state, security of Ukraine, as well as the objective processes of the development of the law enforcement system of Ukraine, the need to use specific methods, forces and means, inherent in special services, in countering these phenomena. At the legislative level, it is necessary to clearly define which manifestations of organized crime should be assigned to the competence of such a law enforcement body. It is necessary to proceed from the Law of Ukraine “On National Security of Ukraine”. It is this law that forms the system of ensuring national security, that is, a set of state bodies united by a single idea aimed at solving the tasks of a specific period of state development. Also, a number of articles were proposed to improve the prevention of organized crime: “Counter-intelligence support for the fight against organized crime”, “Prevention of the formation of organized criminal groups”, “Use of undercover employees”.
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Про введення воєнного стану в Україні : Указ Президента України 24 лют. 2022 р. № 64/2022. Верховна Рада України. URL:
Бережний С. М. Суб’єкти боротьби з тероризмом та їх повноваження в умовах функціонування режиму воєнного стану. Актуальні питання удосконалення загальнодержавної системи боротьби з тероризмом в умовах функціонування режиму воєнного стану : зб. матер. кругл. столу (Київ, 31 серп. 2022 р.). Київ: НА СБУ, 2022. С. 11–13. С. 11.
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