interpretive legal activity, interpretive legal technology, principles of interpretive legal technology, rules of legal interpretive technology, stages of implementing the interpretive legal activityAbstract
This scientific article is devoted to the consideration of the principles and rules of interpretive legal technology as a procedure for implementing interpretive legal activity. The general principles of implementing interpretive legal activity are outlined. The principles of the interpretive legal technology are determined as the main procedural principles of implementing the interpretive legal activity. It was established that the following principles belong to them: the principle of legality of the procedure for implementing the interpretive legal activity; the principle of systematicity (unity) of the procedure for implementing the interpretive legal activity; the principle of normative regulation of the procedure for implementing the interpretive legal activity; the principle of competence of authorized subject in the procedure for implementing the interpretive legal activity; the principle of objectivity (impartiality) of the authorized subject in the procedure for implementing the interpretive legal activity; staging of the procedure for implementing the interpretive legal activity. All of them are interrelated and complementary. The stages of implementing the interpretive legal activity are given and the rules of interpretive legal technology that should be applied at each of the stages are proposed. The following stages of the implementing the interpretive legal activity are singled out: 1) receipt of applications to the authorized subject of the implementing the interpretive legal activity; 2) taking of the decision by the authorized subject on the implementing the interpretive legal activity regarding providing or refusing to provide an official interpretation of the content of the norms of law; 3) implementing the official interpretation of the content of the norms of law; 4) adoption of an interpretative legal act.Attention is focused on the importance of the further complex research and normative consolidation of the principles and rules of legal interpretive technology as a procedure for the implementing the interpretive legal activity in Ukraine.
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