investigation method, forensic characteristics, criminal offense, pre-trial investigation, criminal offenses against the environmentAbstract
The article examines forensic characteristics as a component of the methodology of investigation of criminal offenses. The views of scientists regarding the concept, content and structure of forensic characteristics, its place and significance in the methodology of investigation of criminal offenses are disclosed. It is emphasized the need to use the data revealed by forensic characteristics both in the theory of criminology – in the formation of separate methods of investigation, and in practice – in the course of conducting a pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses of a particular type (during the formation of investigative versions, planning of a pre-trial investigation, determining the circumstances that are subject to proof and investigative (search) actions). The scientific research of forensic scientists on the structure of the forensic characteristics of criminal offenses against the environment is analyzed. Attention is focused on the development of the forensic characteristics of criminal offenses against the environment based on their forensic classification, which contributes to the determination of the forensic characteristics of certain groups of criminal offenses of the studied category, in particular, the formation of typical features and characteristics of a separate group of criminal offenses. It was determined that the forensic characteristics of criminal offenses against the environment are generalized information on the typical features of a particular type of criminal offenses against the environment, developed taking into account their forensic classification and the specifics of the commission of this type of criminal offences. The structure of the forensic characteristics of criminal offenses against the environment includes such elements as the subject of the criminal offense, the person of the offender, the method of committing the criminal offense, the circumstances of the criminal offense, typical traces and consequences of criminal offenses against the environment.
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