intervention in activity, defender, representative of a person, research, issues, scientific workAbstract
This scientific article is dedicated to the scientific completion of research on the problem of intervention in the activities of a defender or representative of a person by summarizing and systematizing the results of fundamental scientific research by domestic and foreign scientists. In addition, scientific intelligence on the researched issues, presented in scientific articles, manuals, was analyzed in detail. For the purpose of an in-depth study of the problem of intervention in the activities of a defender or representative of a person, a logical principle of the presentation of the material was chosen, which gives an opportunity to highlight conceptual ideas and views. The analysis of the indicated problems began with the formation of the procedural status of the defender and representative of the person in the criminal process. Continued with consideration of the procedural features of the participation of the defense attorney as a subject of criminal proceedings. Attention was also paid to studies related to the protection of the rights of victims and causing a certain interest. Studies related to the procedural position of the victim as a subject of criminal procedural evidence at various stages of criminal proceedings have not been left out of consideration, because according to the investigated category of criminal proceedings, the defender or representative of the person acts as the victim. The question of the procedural status of a defender or a representative of a person is considered by the criminal procedural doctrine, the other direction is intervention in their activities, which is considered from the point of view of criminal law in the context of criminal law characteristics, criminal liability, and representatives of criminology did not violate such a topic, which led to the lack of investigation methodology interference in the activities of the defender or representative of the person and made it difficult to counteract this negative phenomenon on the part of the units of the National Police of Ukraine.
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