information security, pretrial investigation, criminal offenses, expert error, false conclusion, risk, softwareAbstract
The article considers the criminally illegal risks that may arise in the process of improving the information provision of pre-trial investigation. It is indicated that the legislator made an attempt to prevent attempts to provide knowingly false information, which may result in violation of the evidence process in criminal proceedings. However, unfortunately, individual cases are widespread, such that it is difficult to notice in time and can significantly extend the terms of the pre-trial investigation. In this context, the specified risk is quite serious and should be taken into account in advance. For example, if there is a high probability that forensic experts will give a false opinion, the latter should be verified by involving experts from other, independent institutions or institutions that are subordinate to other Ministries. It is noted that the systematization of information by entering it into computer databases, tables, etc. will provide an opportunity to establish false information by comparison within certain programs, thus, one of the ways to improve information support in this context is the creation of software that will provide an opportunity through comparison to highlight questionable information with its subsequent verification. It is summarized that the main methods of avoiding risks in the process of improving the information support of the pre-trial investigation should include: 1) creation of technical and software aimed at the timely establishment of actual and potential software errors in order to correct/minimize them; 2) development of software that will contribute to the reduction of corruption risks by limiting access to the party of criminal proceedings interested in violating the pre-trial investigation process and facilitating control checks of the corrections made by the pre-trial investigation bodies to the available data; 3) creation of software that will make it possible to identify questionable information by comparing it with its subsequent verification; 4) verification of illustrative information by comparison with the actual object or its previous photographs, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt; 5) verification of illustrative information by comparison with the actual object or its previous photographs, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt.
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