administrative and legal support, access to environmental information, protection, indicator, mechanism, national environmental security, public interest, subjective public lawAbstract
The purpose of the article is to determine directions for improving the normative definition of the category "national environmental security", which should be based on compliance with European standards for the implementation and protection of the human right to a safe environment. The author emphasized that the implementation of the goals of sustainable development as a priority basis for the formation of the state policy of Ukraine, which should be defined as a component of the state policy, about which appropriate changes were made to the normative legal acts regulating the activities of the government and central executive bodies as administrative bodies authorized on the implementation of strategic tasks of the state. The author emphasized that the introduction at the national level of the need to observe and implement the goals and objectives of sustainable development, which determined the expediency of developing a certain system of monitoring the effectiveness of the exercise of powers for their implementation by administrative bodies. The author established that the indicators of ensuring the requirements of national ecological security of Ukraine and achieving the goals of Sustainable Development include: ensuring the creation of sustainable food production systems that contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and gradually improve the quality of lands and soils, primarily through the use of innovative technologies; ensuring the availability of quality services for the supply of safe drinking water, construction and reconstruction of centralized drinking water supply systems using the latest technologies and equipment; reduction of the volume of discharge of untreated wastewater, primarily with the use of innovative water treatment technologies, at the state and individual levels of wastewater into water bodies; the share of discharges of polluted wastewater into water bodies in the total volume of discharges, etc.; increasing the efficiency of water use; expansion of infrastructure and modernization of networks to ensure reliable and sustainable energy supply based on the introduction of innovative technologies.
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