intellectual property, intellectual capital, education in the field of intellectual property, reform of the intellectual property system, the project of the National Competition for the search of ideas inspired by natural systems and organisms, the program of technology and innovation support centers, the All-Ukrainian Forum «Innovation Fest», legal cultureAbstract
This scientific article is devoted to the topical issues of the role of education in the field of intellectual property in the context of the formation of the legal culture of young people. The authors investigated the directions of knowledge implementation in the field of intellectual property as a condition for the development of post-war Ukraine. To restore the post-war economy, knowledge of the innovative model of the economy, which is based on the use of creative results and the latest technologies, will be important. Critically important will be knowledge of the protection and protection of rights to computer technologies, copyright, IP objects in the field of medicine, agriculture and the results of breeding, biology, the issue of providing objects of the invention in the field of national security and defense of the country, etc. The purpose of this article is to determine the role of education in the field of intellectual property as a direction of forming the legal culture of youth. Analyzed: the current state of the legal protection of intellectual property in the context of WIPO standards and focused attention on the main recommendations of WIPO in the field of intellectual property. Considered: the main challenges of the education system in the field of intellectual property in the modern period of the development of society. It was determined that education in the field of intellectual property is an element of the legal culture of the society in general and promotes respect for the results of a person's creative activity. It has been proven that the restoration of Ukraine can be achieved through the organization of proper education in the field of intellectual property and technology with the use of innovations in the educational field.
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