intellectual property, crime, protection, infringements in the field of intellectual property, criminal liability, socially dangerous consequencesAbstract
Abstract. The paper considers the issues of determining the features of criminal law in the field of intellectual property protection of the Federal Republic of Germany and Ukraine, defining their common and different characteristics in textual, functional and applied context to further take into account the positive experience of foreign countries in Ukraine. In general, criminal protection of intellectual property involves the establishment and organization by the state of institutions aimed at detecting criminal offenses, preventing them and taking effective measures to influence infringers, providing the owner with the full range of content of his intellectual property rights in accordance with current legislation. This goal is pursued both in the legislation of Ukraine and in the legislation of Germany. Detailed attention is paid to the issue of determining the socially dangerous consequences of infringement of intellectual property rights as one of the grounds for criminal liability. Based on the analysis of national legislation and German law, contradictory and problematic issues of protection of intellectual property rights were identified and measures were proposed, namely: to introduce positive foreign experience in Ukrainian legislation on terminology, methods of protection of intellectual property rights and subjects of protection. In particular, proposals have been formulated to improve the protection mechanism in the relevant law and codes of Ukraine. Given the fact that the current stage of development of Ukrainian statehood encourages to identify as one of the important tasks of effective legal support and protection of intellectual property, it is important to form a system of legislation so that this goal is achieved and uniform standards for research rights.
Кримінальний кодекс України від 05 квітня 2001 № 2341-III.
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