principle, principles of civil service, civil service, civil servant, integrity, morality, norms, valuesAbstract
Abstract. Concepts of implementing the principle of integrity in the value system of the Civil Service Institute of Ukraine remain controversial issues that require constant attention from the scientific community, lawyers and government officials, due to the search for new reform ideas and their further implementation, in particular public administration systems, ensuring equal access to the civil service, selection of civil servants with high personal moral and ethical qualities and professional competencies. The principle of integrity of the civil service encompasses various moral virtues that intersect with the fundamentals of functioning of state institutions, which is why the combination of administrative and legal norms with ethical norms and values is of scientific interest for a comprehensive study of the principle. The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical and legal foundations of the process of forming the principle of integrity of the civil service of Ukraine as a moral and ethical and administrative rule, research of etymology, genesis, interpretation of the term «integrity». The object of work is social relations that arise in connection with the entry into the civil service, its passage in compliance with the principle of integrity which is determined by law. The subject is historical-legal and theoretical-legal aspects of the principle of civil service of Ukraine – integrity. The following research methods are used in the article: general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge, namely: retrospective analysis, comparative law, historical law, dialectical analysis, system, synthesis. During the study it was determined that the legalization of the principle of integrity has formed a legal obligation of a civil servant in his professional activity to strictly adhere to the rules of conduct clearly established by law, for violation of which certain measures of influence are applied The principle of integrity of the civil service is considered as the presence of high moral virtues, good intentions, honest intentions, deep convictions of the importance of compliance with the law, the inability and direct prohibition to use governmental authorities for personal gain. An indisputable condition for the activity of the civil service is the manifestation of indifference of a civil servant to obtaining illegal benefits because the duty to observe the principles of civil service and the rules of ethical conduct is one of the interests of the state and society.
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