
  • V. D. Fuchedzhi




lawyer, family legal relations, litigation, representation, mediation, advocacy


Abstract. The article analyzes the current legislation that determines the status of a lawyer and his participation in the consideration and resolution of family disputes, research on a specific range of issues and case law in family matters. The types of lawyer's participation in cases arising from family relationships are analyzed. The content and main stages of counseling as a type of lawyer's participation in family disputes are outlined. The types of advocacy activities are outlined, which make it possible to single out the actions that a lawyer has the right to perform when providing legal assistance within the outlined forms. Among the forms of advocacy, the judicial and extrajudicial activities of a lawyer as a form of advocacy are singled out and analyzed. The peculiarities inherent in the judicial protection of family rights (compared to the protection of the rights of individuals and legal entities in other areas) are highlighted and characterized, which include, in particular: mainly judicial protection of family rights; the presence of elements of publicity (although these are essentially dispositive relations); consideration and resolution of cases arising from family legal relations is carried out by way of claim, injunction and separate proceedings; the possibility of minors to apply to the court in order to protect the violated right or legally protected interest in the field of family law; in most cases arising from family relationships, the court allows immediate execution. The peculiarities of representing the client's interests as a type of advocacy are highlighted. The institute of judicial representation in civil proceedings in cases arising from family relationships is analyzed. It is established that the provision of advice and clarification by a lawyer, as one of the activities of a lawyer, helps to solve certain problems that arise in the process of advocacy, in particular: collecting information by a lawyer about the existing dispute; analysis of such information; qualification of the relations that have become disputable by the lawyer and their substantive and procedural assessment; identifying the most acceptable ways to resolve a family dispute; identifying the advantages and disadvantages of possible ways to resolve family disputes. Certainly, despite the lack of regulations on the institution of mediation, it is advisable to use mediation procedures to resolve disputes arising from family relationships.


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How to Cite

Фучеджі, В. Д. (2022). ON THE QUESTION OF ATTORNEY’S PARTICIPATION IN FAMILY DISPUTES. Kyiv Law Journal, (1), 91-96. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2022.1.14

