nation-building, spiritual culture, ideology, forms of social consciousness, national myth, national mentality, images of legal phenomenaAbstract
Abstract. The relevance of the proposed article is due to the importance of the poem "Aeneid" for the formation of the ideology of statehood in Ukraine. An in-depth philosophical analysis of the images of law present in the poem will contribute to the actualization of the relevant semantic layers of national culture. The proposed results of the philosophical analysis of the poem testified to the heuristic potential of previously substantiated provisions on fiction as a special form of legal consciousness and a way of knowing legal reality. From today's point of view, the creative idea and ideological significance of this poem is much larger, it can not be reduced only to the literary and ethnographic encyclopedic life of the Ukrainian people of a certain era. Philosophical analysis of the images of law in the poem "Aeneid" by Kotlyarevsky will help clarify the place and importance of fiction as a factor in nationbuilding in Ukraine. The existence of long periods of loss of national statehood in national history forces us to turn to more general forms of spiritual culture, such as fiction to find models of national, state and legal development, based on the mentality and traditions of the Ukrainian people. In this aspect of the philosophy of law has to give way to more general philosophical intelligence, its unlimited subject field. Kotlyarevsky's poem "Aeneid", written two centuries ago, became the main national epic work, as evidenced by its functioning in all spheres of public life, circles, other arts, folklore and more. In the creation of national myth, especially in the period of European romanticism, it became common practice to turn to national epics, both folklore and those whose authors are known. Understanding of this kind of ideological and cultural processes belongs to the subject field of general philosophy, which allows us to consider complex cultural phenomena in different aspects and at different levels of their essence and ontological completeness.
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