
  • O. P. Svitlychnyу




judicial protection, foreigners, stateless persons, rights, freedoms.


 Judicial protection of rights and freedoms and legitimate interests is one of the types of state protectionof foreigners and stateless persons. An important role of judicial protection of a person belongs to the imperativenorms of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to Article 8 of the Constitution recourse to the court to protectthe constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen directly on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine isguaranteed. The right to judicial protection is established by Article 55 of the Constitution of Ukraine, according towhich the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are protected by the court. This means that everyone, includingforeigners and stateless persons, is guaranteed judicial protection of their rights and freedoms. The court may notrefuse justice if a citizen of Ukraine, a foreigner, a stateless person believes that their rights and freedoms have beenviolated or are being violated, obstacles to their realization have been created or are being created or other violationsof rights and freedoms are being violated. The court’s refusal to accept claims and other applications, complaintsfiled in accordance with applicable law, is a violation of the right to judicial protection, which according to Article64 of the Constitution of Ukraine can not be limited.It is proved that in addition to the Basic Law, which enshrines fundamental human rights and freedoms,guarantees of their implementation and remedies, the jurisdiction of courts extends to any legal dispute and anycriminal charge (Part 3 of Article 124 of the Constitution of Ukraine), other legislative acts, in particular, domesticprocedural legislation (administrative, civil, economic, criminal) guarantee protection of rights and freedoms andlegitimate interests of foreigners and stateless persons in courts, which is an important indicator of the mechanismof legal security, democracy and social orientation of the Ukrainian state.It is emphasized that the legal protection of foreigners and stateless persons is enshrined in internationalagreements ratified by Ukraine, and therefore none of the foreigners and stateless persons staying in Ukraine legallycan not only be deprived of the right to go to court, but also expelled from Ukraine without a court decision.

Author Biography

O. P. Svitlychnyу

Judicial protection of rights and freedoms and legitimate interests is one of the types of state protectionof foreigners and stateless persons. An important role of judicial protection of a person belongs to the imperativenorms of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to Article 8 of the Constitution recourse to the court to protectthe constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen directly on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine isguaranteed. The right to judicial protection is established by Article 55 of the Constitution of Ukraine, according towhich the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are protected by the court. This means that everyone, includingforeigners and stateless persons, is guaranteed judicial protection of their rights and freedoms. The court may notrefuse justice if a citizen of Ukraine, a foreigner, a stateless person believes that their rights and freedoms have beenviolated or are being violated, obstacles to their realization have been created or are being created or other violationsof rights and freedoms are being violated. The court’s refusal to accept claims and other applications, complaintsfiled in accordance with applicable law, is a violation of the right to judicial protection, which according to Article64 of the Constitution of Ukraine can not be limited.It is proved that in addition to the Basic Law, which enshrines fundamental human rights and freedoms,guarantees of their implementation and remedies, the jurisdiction of courts extends to any legal dispute and anycriminal charge (Part 3 of Article 124 of the Constitution of Ukraine), other legislative acts, in particular, domesticprocedural legislation (administrative, civil, economic, criminal) guarantee protection of rights and freedoms andlegitimate interests of foreigners and stateless persons in courts, which is an important indicator of the mechanismof legal security, democracy and social orientation of the Ukrainian state.It is emphasized that the legal protection of foreigners and stateless persons is enshrined in internationalagreements ratified by Ukraine, and therefore none of the foreigners and stateless persons staying in Ukraine legallycan not only be deprived of the right to go to court, but also expelled from Ukraine without a court decision.


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How to Cite

Світличний, О. П. (2022). JUDICIAL PROTECTION OF FOREIGNERS AND STATELESS PERSONS. Kyiv Law Journal, (4), 205-210. https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2021.4.31

